October 11, 1921
John Kowalski Passes at Home of Daughter in Laurium
John Kowalski, aged 80, a pioneer Copper Country resident, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary Walski of Ameek street, Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, of ailments due to old age.
The late Mr. Kowalski is survived by the widow, three sons and three daughters. They are: Joseph, Walter, Michael, and Mrs. Joseph Adamski of Detroit. Mrs. Stanley Mizerek of Muskegon, and Mrs. Walski of Laurium. Thirty one grandchildren and three great grandchildren survive.
Mr. Kowalski was born in Poland and had been a resident of this country for over half a century. He was an employee of the Tamarack Mining Co. for thirty-five years.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning from the Polish church Rev. Fr. Hudat will officiate and interment will be in Lake View (cemetery).
Mrs. Mizerek arrived here Sunday evening to attend her father's funeral, with the other children, with the exception of Joseph were expected to arrive last evening from Detroit. Joseph Kowalski is unable to come , having buried his sixteen -year old daughter yesterday.